Catholics in Vranjevo did not have their own parish until 1880. They had a filial church that fell under the parish in Novi Bečej. They did not have churches, and they gathered for prayer in a prayer house located in the house of Feješ Janoš until the construction of the present-day Catholic Church in Vranjevo. Only in 1881 was a small church built on the site where the present-day parish of the Catholic Church stands. The building looked the same then as it does today.
In 1881, by order of the Torontal County, the church was granted 120 cadastral acres of arable land from the municipal territory. This property represents the basic assets of the Catholic parish in Vranjevo. The revenue obtained was used to pay the parish priest, build the parish house, and lay the foundation for the construction of the church. With this, Vranjevo ceased to be a filial of the Turkish-Bečej parish. Makra Imre, a chaplain from Segedin, was appointed as the parish priest. The parish priest's salary amounted to eight hundred forints and was paid from the church parish fund, eighteen cadastral acres of land from the political municipality, which was proportionate to the entitlements of Orthodox priests in Vranjevo at that time.
The new Catholic church was built in the Gothic style from 1902 to 1903. It is rumored that Serbs also participated in its construction with certain financial contributions. The church plan was drawn up by Kelner Miška, and the construction was carried out by Đerki Ištvan under the supervision of engineer Budai. The church was reinforced with iron bars from the inside in 1924, and the tower was covered with sheet metal. Painting was carried out by Stojan Lazić in 1926, and the altar and all other paintwork were done by Kiš Ferenc.
The church is forty meters long, fourteen meters wide, and the tower is forty-six meters high.
The original bells were exceptionally large, especially the one donated by Kuruci Janoš. Because of its size, it could not be brought in through the window or door but was installed in its place while the tower walls were not yet fully built. During World War I, all bells were requisitioned. The large bell had to be smashed on the tower itself before being removed in pieces.
The first parish priest was Imre Makra from 1880 to 1903. His great merit is the construction of such a large and beautiful church. He left Vranjevo and the priesthood after the construction of the new church and devoted himself to journalism. He soon became the editor of the Budapest newspaper Pesti hirlap.